托福口语| Task2语料仓库

纸质书 VS 电子书 (TPO 40)

  1. 纸质书 printed materials

    • 健康:电子书伤眼睛 the screen of it is bad for eyes, radiation
    • 文化:智慧的结晶 represent the wisdom of our ancestors
    • 经济:收藏价值 has a high collection value
  2. 电子书 electronic versions/staff

    • 科技:more and more materials on the Internet
    • 科技:smart phone 的普及,使得电子书变得很便捷,可以随时随地下载
    • 科技:多功能
    • 环境:纸质书需要砍伐树木,对森林是一种灾难
    • 经济:纸质书更贵(可以举例大概多少钱)
    • 健康:纸质书更重


一、学校投资 school funding

  1. 娱乐还是学习 TPO40

    Some people believe it is important for university to provide funding for student entertainment, such as movies or concerts on campus. Others believe that university money should only be used for academic purposes. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.

    A 娱乐

    • 健康:长期学习很tired,help you calm down and relax (recover your energyboost your blood circulation and keep fit 如果是运动的话)
    • 教育:提高效率 enhance efficiency and boost academic performance
    • 教育:帮助学生全方位发展 fully develop students’ potentials
    • 招生:吸引学生(其实不算有力的宣传点)

    B 学习

    • 资源:图书馆比较旧 old books ,no new breakthroughs
    • 资源:实验室旧 equipment, out of use, how is it possible for students to make big achievements by using that
    • 个人:娱乐是个人选择 entertainment is a kind of personal choice

二、教育 education

  1. 全日制 VS 非全日制 (full-time or part-time college)TPO43

    A 全日制

    • 效率:学到的东西更多,knowledge and skills, which will be useful in the fierce competition in the world
    • 环境:周围的学习氛围会更好,碰到更优秀的同学 be surrounded by outstanding students(e.g 遇到不懂的可以问问题), broaden your horizen(交流家乡的culture), beneficial for self development

    B 非全日制

    • 时间:更多的时间做自己喜欢的事
    • 经济:学费少,可以赚钱
  2. 手写还是打字 TPO 44

    primary school should teach children how to write by hand (good handwriting) or to type on a computer

    支持 手写

    • 健康:孩子的眼睛fragile,长时间看screen 会injure孩子的视力, inconvertible
    • 个人:leave a good impression on others, enhance your competitiveness in …


  1. 生活在大城市还是乡村? TPO42

    A 大城市 big city

    • 基础设施:convenient,更好的交通 more convenient public transportation, which means I can get almost everywhere in city by bus or underground.while in the countryside, you may just walk

    • 就业:更多的就业机会 more job opportunities

    • 教育:better education,better equipment in labs

      e.g My brother Tom chose a college in big city to have futher education. When he graduated, he readily obtained a job in a big IT company with a high salary, which brings a comfortable life for him.

    B 乡村 countryside

    • 环境:环境好,空气清新,对身体好 I can breathe fresh air
    • 环境:安静
  2. 与100年前相比,生活方式是否更健康?TPO46 一般就吹现在好就行了

    A 更健康

    • 饮食 更加干净,卫生,饮食结构更加均衡,科学 with the improvement of economy and technology, we can have enough food on the table with a blanced diet structure. Thanks to the improvement of sanitation condition, the chance that we get diseases become lower and lower

    • 运动 运动有利于身体,心理健康,血液循环,lose weight and keep a good shape, relief pressure

      the second reason is that nowadays we devote more time to exercise than 100 years ago, which is benefitial to our health, both physicallly and mentally. For instance, half-an-hour jogging is really a pressure reliefaf after a days’ work. (It also help us lose weight and keep a good shape. We all want a charming body, dont we? Also after a days’ heavy work, exercise can also be a pressure relief, which comtribute to the improvement of future work performance.)

Author: Ivan Yang
Link: https://blog.ivan-yang.com/2019/07/23/托福口语-Task2语料仓库/
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