论文笔记 Physiologic and structural changes associated with aging skin
现在的aging问题和战后婴儿潮密切相关,而老化中最受关注的是光老化(photoaging)。那个年代的很多人喜爱户外运动而不注意防晒,易导致skin cancer和prematurely aged skin.本篇主要讨论光老化。
1. Visible Color
- 皮肤变色(灰黄)
- 雀斑
- 皮肤透明度降低,pink glow减少
- 毛细血管扩张甚至紫癜
2. Textural changes
- 平滑度开始降低
- 角化
- 皱纹增多
- 皮肤及其structural component萎缩
- 皮下脂肪减少(口周、太阳穴、眉毛等),眼睑下垂
3. Fuctional capacity
- 皮肤粗糙度增加 visible coarseness
- 脂质腺肥大 the sebaceous glands hypertrophy
- 毛孔粗大
- 表皮毫毛的转变 the hair changes from velus to termial hair in unwanted areas
- 以上表现鼻子区域尤为明显
- 其他,如皮肤弹性下降,皮肤下垂,水分丢失,皮肤屏障功能下降&更敏感
Sun-damaged epidermis(上皮) 主要表现有:紧实分片或者凝胶状角质层(没有清晰转变成透明层),发育不良异常的角质细胞、偶发细胞坏死、胰岛细胞减少,上皮细胞垂直极性减少和及其不规则排列。
Dermis(真皮):弹性组织变形、上乳头状肌均化,纤维受损,formation of amorphous masses,网状霉素纤维增加,柱状细胞和巨噬细胞粗粒明显;上皮胶原损坏,amorphous material 增加(皮肤支撑能力下降),弹性下降等导致皱纹的产生
四、Glogau 分级
Type | Stage | Characteristics | About Patient |
Type 1 No wrinkles |
Early photoaging | Mild pigmentary changes 轻微色素变化 No keratoses 无角化 Minimal wrinkles 皱纹极少 |
Younger patient, 20s to 30s Minimal or no makeup 很少或没有化妆 |
Type 2 Wrinkles in motion |
Early-to-moderate photoaging | Early senile lentigines visible 早期老年斑 Keratoses palpable but not visible 角化(不可见) Parallel smile lines beginning to appear lateral to mouth 口周皱纹出现(笑线) |
Patient age, late 30s to 40s Usually wears some foundation 经常化妆(较淡) |
Type 3 Wrinkles at rest |
Advanced photoaging |
Obvious dyschromia, telangiectasia 肤色变化明显,毛细血管扩张 Visible keratoses 明显角化 Wrinkles even when not moving 静止状态也有很多皱纹 |
Patientage, 50s or older Always wears heavy foundation 浓妆 |
Type 4 Only wrinkles |
Severe photoaging |
Yellow-gray skin 肤色呈黄灰色 Prior skin malignancies 早期皮肤癌 Wrinkled throughout, no normal skin 全部皱纹 |
Patient age, sixth or seventh decade Cannot wear makeup because it cakes and cracks 不能化妆 |
1. Type 1 No wrinkles
- superficial chemical peels 化学蜕皮术
- topical intervention
- retinoids 类维A
- alphahydroxy acids 果酸
- sunscreens 防晒霜
2. Type2 Wrinkles in motion
- topical treatment 局部治疗
- superficial and occasionally medium depth peels 浅层(偶尔中层)蜕皮
- soft tissue augmentation 软组织填充
3. Type3 Wrinkles at rest
- prolonged application of retinoids 延长使用类维A
- medium and deep chemical peels 中层或深层化学蜕皮
- laser resurfacing 激光换肤
- surgical options 手术选择
- soft tissue augmentation 软组织填充
- chemical muscle denervation 化学去肌肉神经
4. Type 4 Only wrinkles
- laser resurfacing 激光换肤
- deep dermal peels 深层蜕皮
- surgery 手术